Our concentrated herbal extracts are sourced from wild crafted and/or pesticide-free locations. Over the past 20 years, different concentrations and standardizations of each of the three herbs combined in Urox, have been refined and tested. The extracts used in Urox mean that Urox works faster and better than previous formulations.
Raw horsetail (Equisetum arvense) contains a thiaminase-like enzyme. This enzyme breaks down thiamine (vitamin B1) in the body. The Equisetum extract used in Urox is extracted using a method that destroys this thiaminase-like effect. Therefore, Urox does not cause vitamin B1 depletion that may be associated with some forms of horsetail.
Cratevox™ is a specialised extract of Crataeva nurvala with multiple levels of standardization to ensure consistent quality and effectiveness.
Lindera aggregata is a concentrated extract specifically sourced and extracted for Urox.