Hawaiian Pacifica SPIRULINA by Green Nutritionals
Hawaiian Pacifica SPIRULINA is one of the World’s most recognised superfoods, containing more concentrated organic nutrition than any other known food. Three grams (6 tablets) has more antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity than five servings of fresh fruit and vegetables.
- Full Description of Hawaiian Pacifica SPIRULINA
What is it
Spirulina is a microscopic spiral shaped, blue-green vegetable algae. It has been used as a significant food source for centuries. Spirulina is highly digestible and the most nutritious, concentrated whole- food known to humankind. It is nature's richest whole-food source of complete protein. Rich in GLA, it also contains important B complexes including bio-available B12 and other essential organic, whole-food minerals and trace elements.
What are its health benefits
Hawaiian Pacifica Spirulina contains around sixty percent complete, highly digestible protein and contains every essential amino acid. It also contains more beta-carotene than any other whole food. It is the best whole food source of gamma linolenic acid (GLA). It is rich in B vitamins, minerals, trace elements, chlorophyll, and enzymes.
Hawaiian Pacifica Spirulina supplies nutrients that are lacking in most of our diets with:
300% more calcium than whole milk
2300% more iron than spinach
3900% more beta carotene than carrots
375% more protein than tofu
Spirulina is nature's richest whole-food source of naturally occurring organic iron. It's 58 times richer in iron than raw spinach and 28 times richer than raw beef liver. Spirulina is nature's richest source of beta-carotene (pro-vitamin A), it's 25 times higher than raw carrots!
You’ve heard the recommendation that we should eat five servings of fresh fruit and vegetables a day. This can be hard to achieve in real life. That’s where powerful supplements come in and help us maintain optimal health and wellbeing.
Phytonutrients are natural chemicals found in plants. They differ from essential vitamins and minerals that we need to keep us alive. Phytonutrients function to boost health and body functioning. When it comes to phytonutrient levels, Hawaiian Pacifica Spirulina is 31 times more potent than blueberries, 60 times more potent than spinach and 700 times more potent than apples.
Hawaiian Pacifica Spirulina's concentrated nutrition makes it an ideal food supplement for people of all ages and lifestyles.
If your brand is Hawaiian Pacifica Spirulina then you're buying The World's Best Spirulina!
Hawaiian Pacifica is the only Spirulina in the World that adds pure, mineral rich, Deep Ocean Water from 2000 feet below the Pacific containing a unique array of 94 trace elements – this valuable feature alone makes Hawaiian Pacifica the most complete and beneficial Spirulina available
It contains around sixty percent complete, highly digestible protein and contains every essential amino acid. It also contains more beta-carotene than any other whole food; it is the best whole food source of gamma linolenic acid (GLA); it is rich in B vitamins, minerals, trace elements, chlorophyll, and enzymes; and it is abundant in other valuable nutrients about which scientists are learning more each year, such as carotenoids, sulfolipids, glycolipids, phycocyanin, superoxide dismutase, RNA, and DNA.
Hawaiian Pacifica Spirulina supplies nutrients that are lacking in most of our diets. It provides athletes with long-lasting energy and reduces recovery time; it nourishes people who have digestion, assimilation, and elimination problems; it satisfies the appetite as it provides essential nutrients to weight watchers; it enables children and others who don't like vegetables to eat their greens by taking a few tablets; and it helps busy people who don't have time for regular, balanced meals to nourish themselves.
People with various health problems swear by Hawaiian Pacifica Spirulina – it appears to promote overall health and well-being.
How and where is it grown
Hawaiian Pacifica Spirulina is grown by the renowned Cyanotech Corporation on the Big Island of Hawaii, USA without the use or any chemical fertilisers, pesticides, herbicides or genetically modified material.
Hawaiian Pacifica Spirulina is a specially bred strain of the edible micro-algae spirulina platensis. It is cultured in shallow, open ponds (approximately 20 cm deep) in Hawaii, adjacent to the Pacific Ocean. A combination of fresh Hawaiian aquifer (potable) water and supplemental mineral rich Deep Ocean water is used to fill the ponds.
The other major components required for growing Hawaiian Pacifica Spirulina are food-grade baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) and carbon dioxide. Food grade fertilisers are used and the deep sea water is added as a rich source of minerals and trace elements.
Paddle wheels agitate the water, ensuring even exposure of the algae to the sun for optimal growth and nutritional value.
Hawaii has unique environmental advantages for superior spirulina production.
The waters off-shore are classified 'Class AA' as the cleanest coastal waters in the United States, and visibility is typically 150 feet.
It's year round high temperature, prolonged bright sunlight and pristine air and ocean make it the ideal location to grow your daily food supplement.
And you can buy it online at Wicked NRG,
Minerals from Mother Ocean
Only Hawaiian Spirulina draws nourishment from the world's cleanest, deepest ocean.
Our facility uses ocean water drawn from a pipeline that goes down 2000 feet into the sea. Oceanographers tell us this water has been below the surface for over 2500 years. Deep water from the Pacific makes a very slow migration that starts at the poles. This deep water stays in a distinct layer, travelling like a very slowly moving river toward the tropics. Our pipeline brings this ultra-pure, mineral rich water to our ponds.
We supplement our spirulina with this deep water as a source of calcium, magnesium, and all the essential trace elements. No other spirulina is grown with such a rich source of naturally occurring nutrients.
Trace Minerals in our Deep Seawater
Hawaiian Spirulina Pacifica™ is the only spirulina in the world that uses deep seawater containing many trace minerals during the growing process. Trace minerals are widely recognised for their nutritional benefits. The deep seawater comes from a pipeline that goes down 600 metres (2000 feet) below sea level.
This exceptionally pure resource has been untouched by human activity. Scientists estimate that this water has not been in contact with surface waters for over 2000 years!
Following is a list of some of the many trace minerals present in our deep seawater:
- Calcium Barium
- Magnesium Molybdenum
- Sulphur Phosphorus
- Thallium Nickel
- Iodine Zinc
- Potassium Caesium
- Bromine Chromium
- Strontium Zirconium
- Boron Selenium
- Silicon Copper
- Fluorine Iron
- Tungsten Manganese
- Lithium Yttrium
- Rubidium