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Noway Juicy Collagen Protein

Original price $94.95
Current price $89.95
  • Made from German Engineered BODYBALANCE® Collagen Peptides
  • Dairy Free
  • Gut Friendly
  • No Artificial Colours or Flavours
  • Supports and Promotes Muscle Mass
  • Supports and Promotes Muscle Strength
  • Supports and Promotes Lean Body Mass
  • Stimulates and Boosts Collagen Production
  • Increases ProCollagen and Elastin

This is the same base formula used in our NOWAY® BODYBALANCE™ Hydrolysed Bovine collagen peptides just a new flavour extension.

Feed your collagen to help TRAIN, BUILD, and RECOVER and go time and time again. Did you know, our total body protein content consists of approximately 30% collagen?2 Making it an integral aspect of how we go about our daily lives.

BODYBALANCE™ Hydrolysed collagen peptides found in the ATP Science NOWAY® Juicy Collagen Protein focus on the components that provide our physical actions with the strength they require day in and day out…

  • Flexibility
  • Movement
  • Recovery
  • Increase in daily protein.
  • Bloat free.
  • Gut friendly.

It is important to note that no two Collagen Peptides are the same. At ATP Science we use specific German-engineered Bovine Collagen Peptides, each with specific functions in the body. Our collagen is made up of type I and type III. You can read more on the types of collagen here.

NOWAY®, NOWAY® Juicy, and NOWAY® Coffee range all use the same BODYBALANCE™ Hydrolysed Bovine collagen peptides which target anyone living an active lifestyle to help them TRAIN, BUILD and RECOVER.

Why Collagen Protein?
Benefits of using Collagen:

  • Supports and Promotes Muscle Mass
  • Supports and Promotes Muscle Strength
  • Supports and Promotes Lean Body Mass
  • Stimulates and Boosts Collagen Production
  • Increases ProCollagen and Elastin

Incorporating NOWAY® Juicy Collagen in your daily regime helps feed that 30% your body demands of its collagen structures specifically. That’s basically 1/3 of your total body protein required in a different form to elements found typically in whey where the amino acids:

  • Glycine.
  • Hydroxyproline.
  • Proline.

Are less typically found in abundance – but needed by the body to form that springy protein structure of collagen properly the body.

What is a Peptide?
Peptides are specific cleaved shorter strands of amino acid sequences that provide a function that is specific to where they orientate in the body. They are functional, bioactive, and work as building blocks to other forms of proteins in the body – collagen is a perfect example. They act as a more specific instructor to a task – if that makes more sense.

How much do I need?
Studies conducted on BODYBALANCE™ show the best serving size is 15g each day for optimal absorption and utilization in the body.

Take 18g of NOWAY®Juicy Collagen in 250ml of cold water as a daily protein supplement. After exercise, consume 18g of NOWAY® Juicy Collagen to increase muscle mass and growth. 18g of NOWAY®Juicy Collagen consumed throughout the day when you are hungry may stop you eating something naughty as it increases fullness and may reduce excessive calories at the next meal.

Collagen used in the Noway Range is sourced from High-Quality Bovine. Bovine collagen offers a diverse range of collagen types to the consumer.

Is this just another Collagen Protein?
No it's not. Collagen is great, it’s a good Macronutrient, you get certain health benefits from it, which are good for the gut, and there are some other things that are great as well, but it is not a Collagen Peptide, it’s just not comparing apples with apples.

Probably, the easiest way to simplify it is, most other protein products out there are simply providing either Amino Acids or longer chains of Amino Acids in the form of Proteins and Peptides that merely provide the building blocks that make things capable of happening. So, if you can imagine a construction site, yeah the bricks have turned up, the Peptides are directing the building, they’re the foremen directing the construction site, so the Peptides have the ability to instruct the body to induce a function and then those building blocks are required to make sure that function is possible.

When do I use the protein?
We recommend taking 1 heaped scoop in a shaker with 250mL of water post workout. You can also add it in to your smoothies or baking.

BODYBALANCE® is a specific product, it is a specific mixture of particular bioactive compounds. They are bioactive Collagen Peptides. BODYBALANCE® itself is made by a specific trade secret process, they make it to an exact point where they can measure the combination of Peptides and the free-flowing Amino Acids at a particular ratio with a particular molecular weight.

As the serving size of protein is 15g per serve, do I still need to make up my protein macros elsewhere for my remaining 15g (or whatever your protein macros are)?
Yes. We recommend getting your protein from whole food sources.

Why is my NOWAY Clumping?
TIP; Put the scoop of NOWAY into your shaker first, THEN add water.

NOWAY Protein has got some interesting characteristics in regards to surface area. So, you have to use it as described if you want to drink it straight away, which is one scoop into about 250 ml of water. You can’t put two scoops into 500 ml of water because the surface area, like when you’re looking down into your shaker, it’s only probably the size of a baseball, it can’t disperse quickly enough, and so with the properties it kind of clumps a little bit, so just be mindful of that.

The second thing is, if you do mix it in and leave it for a few minutes and shake it up I think it takes on a nicer property, it has more of a gel flavour to it.

Lastly it is so pure and because there’s no fats or sugars or anything in it, it’s just pure, there’s nothing to hold anything to your tongue. So, we had to go through and try and to add a little bit of fibre and that sort of stuff just to thicken it, but still over 90% of your scoop is going to be Protein.

Is NOWAY Vegan friendly?
No, Noway Protein is not Vegan friendly as it contains Bovine collagen peptides.